LinkedIn: The Importance of Networking In Football
For anyone that aspires to insert themselves into the football industry and start networking in football , you must absolutely put yourself in touch with those already within it. It will certainly assist you in finding out vital information about what it’s like to have a job in the industry and how those individuals got to where they are.
This is where LinkedIn comes in and the fantastic role it plays in all this. It’s a place where you can sell yourself to everyone and showcase your skills and experience. Furthermore, you can make valuable connections and build strong working relationships with people that operate in roles which you’re interested in pursuing. You can’t let this brilliant opportunity simply pass you by without taking advantage of it.
It was through that particular platform that I secured the chance to write up pieces exactly like this one. In my journey of networking in football, I crossed paths with James Cox and we subsequently had conversations through direct messaging. After a little while, James asked me if I was interested in doing some writing for the Work in Football website. It didn’t take me too long to accept the offer and I’ve definitely enjoyed the venture thus far. I’m always grateful to get these chances to write and develop my style. This is one unforgettable memory in my journey of networking in the football industry.
This goes to show the positive impact that LinkedIn can have in making opportunities be presented to you. However, you must put in the required work to make yourself stand out through trying out different ways of posting and sharing content this contributes to your progress in networking in football. This aspect was something that took me a little while to get to grips with as I wasn’t initially that confident to do such a thing. Eventually, I found the perfect balance to everything and I’ve been able to network with a wide variety of individuals.
By doing this, you can leverage that network to gain opportunities within the industry and build up your knowledge and experience. You can then begin to climb the ladder, so to speak, and find the perfect role which suits your interests. It’s incredibly hard to predict where or when those chances will crop up, so you have to be prepared to be in it for the long haul and have plenty of patience. You can’t rush into it without doing the fundamentals. That’s a major piece of advice I’d give to everyone reading this article. It’s vital that you build up your network, but do it slowly and make those connections feel natural and meaningful.
How I Apply Networking In Football
I’ve personally found LinkedIn to be a safe place to present my own work and give a unique perspective on football. The main thing is that I’m seeing interesting and vibrant contributions from like minded individuals. This allows for productive conversations where you can share ideas and gain feedback on what you’re doing. I always enjoy celebrating other people’s achievements because they’ve put in the hard work to get themselves into their positions. It’s also been great to receive nice comments about my own accomplishments and some of the work I’ve shared on my own profile. I thrive off interacting with people and being able to show what I can do.
I can definitely recommend utilising LinkedIn based off my own experience with the platform. It’s built a tremendous amount of confidence within myself and developed a strong sense of motivation to try and accomplish my dream to become successful in the football industry which of course networking in football is a very important part of it . I’ve always been interested in the football industry having loved watching football since being a young boy. My voluntary roles within non-league football and also at my hometown club Hull City have allowed me to find out what it’s like to work in the industry.